(it's actually very easy to use, so don't let my over-explaining confuse you)
In the "Calendar" box (left side of this page), you'll see the following:
30 Boxes //
Willowbrook Calendar - Click here - Type in Daniel's email address and use password: willowbrook
1) click (once) on any of those words. It will take you into the calendar login page.
2) click (once) on the "Login" (at the top upper-right of the page)
3) In "Email Address", enter this ---> tempestkc@sbcglobal.net
4) In "Password", enter this ---> willowbrook (no uppercase)
5) Click (once) on the blue "Login" button under the password.
You are now in the calendar. (pretty cool, huh? no? well, let's go further, then.)
You see today's date is highlighted in yellow.
Just above the calendar towards the right, you'll see this --->





If you'd like to add an event you'd like to share with your neighbors, (graduation, wedding, etc.) you can do so by entering it in the space at the top of the calendar (in the middle) that says "Add a new event here..."
NOTE: It is strongly recommended that you not include dates/times when you won't be home. This calendar is NOT available to everyone in the world, but we'd still like you folks to feel safe.
If you'd like to see what's actually happening on a specific date that you see an entry, you can one of two things:
1) hold your mouse over the event (a display of the info will appear)
2) click (once) on that event and whatever info there is will show for you. (when you do this, you can close the event info by clicking where you see "close window".
when you're done with the calendar, go to the very top-right corner of the calendar page and click "Logout".
As always, if you need further help, or just want to ask a question regarding anything about this site, please feel free to email or call me.
Daniel Anderson
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