Friday, September 08, 2006

Coming Up...

Fall is fast approaching and it's time to start thinking of when we'd like to hold our annual Fall Clean-Up.

I have gane back in time (paperwork wise) and seen that over the last couple of years we've held that clean-up and then the leaves would really drop. So maybe if we pushed it back a little bit. I was looking at the calendar and wanted to run the following by you:

Friday, November 10 through Sunday, November 12.

I realize the mailer that went out early this year mentioned the weekend of Nov. 17 - 19, but we felt that was too close to Thanksgiving weekend.

Please let me know what you think of this time frame. I am ordering postcards to send out as reminders (at no cost to the Association, of course) and need to get a date set. Also, the earlier I am able to reserve dumpsters the better.

Also, the question of a Fall Garage Sale has come up a few times. What are your thoughts on this as well?

Please send your comments, concerns suggestions to me @




Pam Kosewick said...

I think the weekend you have chosen will work well, I like that it is not as close to Thanksgiving.

I am not opposed to a fall garage sale, however I will not be able to participate, so it wouldn't break my heart if we didn't hold one. I think it should be up to the rest of the community.

Pam K

Leslie said...

The weekend of the 10th will work even better for us and maybe it will be a little warmer!

As far as the Garage Sale, I kind of remember agreeing not to have a fall garage sale at a board meeting. Correct me if I'm wrong. But if there is interest in having one I am not opposed to one.

Leslie L.