Monday, February 27, 2006

What's on tap for the neighborhood?

HOA Board Meeting
When: 3-15-2006, 7:00 PM
Where: Daniel's House
Contact: Daniel @ 220-2202

All Homeowners are welcome. We will be discussing the entryway and updating our membership info. Please note: The date of this meeting is tentative, as we are awaiting response from the Board. An update will be posted if there is a change.

Please RSVP

Neighborhood Garage Sale

When: 4-29-2006, 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Where: Willowbrook
Contact: Daniel @ 220-2202

An ad will be placed in the Examiner and will run the week of April 24th thru the 29th. Signs will also be placed in and around the neighborhood as well as at the Entryway. If you plan to have a sale at your home on this day, please call Daniel so that he can place you on the sale ''map''...this helps us in knowing where to send shoppers.
Spring Clean UP

When: 5-5-2006 through 5-7-2006, 9:00 AM
Where: Willowbrook Court Cul-de-sac
Contact: Pam @ 224-4094

KC Hook will dumpsters will be set up for trash in one and yard waste in the other. Signs will be placed on each dumpster stating what NOT to place in each. Please do not dump restricted materials in these dumpsters, as the Association has to pay extra for infringements. If during the weekend, the dumpsters fill early, replacements will be brought in so that everyone has a chance to participate. There will be volunteers stationed near the dumpsters during that weekend. As the dumpsters are filled, replacements will be brought in. The dumpsters will be removed the following Monday morning. If you have any questions, please call Pam at the number above.
Fall Clean UP
When: 11-17-2006 through 11-19-2006, 8:00 AM
Where: Willowbrook Court Cul-de-sac
Contact: Pam @ 224-4094

Same rules and restrictions as Spring Clean UP.

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