Monday, October 01, 2007

Current Police Reports Filed

There is some information I'd like to pass along to you all regarding
the occurrences early this past Sunday morning.

First off, you may have noticed the damage to the west end of the entryway island. From what I gather from the police, a young lady was speeding out of Willowbrook at around 2AM Sunday morning and tried to exit the wrong side. Her Ford Taurus slammed into the wall at high speed. No injuries were reported, however the wall has sustained heavy damage. Pictures are attached. Please drive carefully around the wall as we are waiting to see what can be done in the way of repairs.

I am currently working with her insurance company (State Farm) to file the damages claim and everything involved with it.

I'd like to meet with the Board of Directors and Officers ASAP to
discuss repairs.

Second item: While on patrol early Sunday morning, Blue Springs police apprehended several youths driving around breaking into vehicles in our subdivision. Arrests were made and ALL property is in the possession of the police. Currently, it is all being itemized and cataloged. Seth and I drove around early Sunday morning trying to find any vehicles with broken windows, but found none. It appears the break-in's involved unlocked vehicles or vehicles with open windows.

If you notice ANYTHING missing from your vehicle, please let me know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The police said, "Even if they are missing anything as trivial as a pine tree shaped air freshener, report it."

Obviously, we had some excitement over this past weekend. The police report (so far) is (and I quote) "four inches thick". It will not be available for me to get a copy until Tuesday. So until then, please report any items missing to me.

It cannot be stressed enough that, because we are adjacent to a school, we have to be more vigilant in watching out both for our homes/property, but also that of our neighbors. Leaving porch lights on overnight and making sure garage security motion lights are working is a good start.

Again, please contact me via email or phone if you have any questions or information. Also, PLEASE pass this information along to your neighbors in case I haven't got their email addresses.

Thank you all,

Daniel Anderson
Willowbrook H.A.

Friday, July 27, 2007


We are proud to announce that Daniel Anderson (currently serving as President) has been named by Mayor Steve Steiner as a new Commissioner on the Blue Springs Parks & Recreations Department.

We would like to congratulate Daniel on his new post.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Clean-Up Weekend Reminder

This coming weekend is the annual Spring Clean-Up weekend.

Dumpsters will be located, as usual, in the Willowbrook Court cul-de-sac.

Please adhere th the signs posted on each dumpster so as not to place items prohibited in each.

Volunteers will be manning the dumpsters all weekend with a list of members. Non-members may use the dumpsters but must pay a $10 fee.

Also, the forecast for this weekend shows expected rain off and on. We hope this doesn't hamper out weekend, but clean-up will proceed rain or shine. Due to a shortage of KC Hook dumpsters this time of year, we are unable to reschedule this event.

If you have any questions, please contact one of the board members.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Don't Forget...

This Saturday, April 28th

Willowbrook-wide Garage Sale


Next Weekend

Friday, May 4 thru Sunday, May 6

Spring Clean-Up Weekend

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Entryway Discussion

There will be a meeting held at the entryway island on Tuesday, April 17th, at 7:00 PM to discuss plans for the following:


The Board is also working on plans for a subdivision block party to showcase the new entryway plans, as well as a means of possibly raising donations to help with this project.

If you have any ideas, comments or suggestions that can help us in this endeavor, please email Daniel at EMAIL: President <-----this link.

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Happy Easter to all...hope everyone has had a great weekend.

There are two things I wanted to mention:

1) There has been another game of "Mailbox Baseball" played in our subdivision. Many mailboxes on 18th , 19th and Willowbrook Drive (I'm sure there are more) were either damaged or completely destroyed sometime either last night or early this morning. I know this is probably a shot in the dark, but if ANYONE saw or heard anything I'd very much like to know. Our only defense against such property damage is our vigilance and attention. Joe Stubblefield is placing a call to the local Postmaster regarding this latest round of vandalism.

2) If anyone has information (names, phone #, email or street address) about the folks who bought (and were rebuilding) the house at 707 NW 16th Street (the one that burnt recently that used to belong to the Wilson's), please either forward that to me or call Joe Stubblefield @ 229-6182 or email him @

I thank you all for your time and help on these matters.

Many thanks,

Daniel Anderson
Willowbrook H.A

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Garage Sale & Spring Clenup

Just a reminder to those who've asked...

the Garage Sale is scheduled for Saturday, April 28, 2007 and will run from 7:00 AM until 6:00 PM. This sale will be advertised in the usual newspaper(s).

The Spring Clean-Up is scheduled for the following weekend.
Friday, May 4 through Sunday, May 6. As usual, dumpsters will be provided for trash and for yard waste.

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT... close attention to the signs that will be posted on each dumpster. These are placed there to tell us what CAN NOT be placed into each dumpster.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Daniel at:
Phone: 220-2202

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Just a few things...

The new contact cards and fridge magnets ARE IN.
If anyone has a good idea on how to get these out to the homeowners WITHOUT having to mail them, I'd really love to hear it. :)

The Spring Clean-Up postcards will be arriving fairly soon as well.

Also, I just got the blueprints, plans and bid from the folks at Urban Lawn & Landscape.
Sheila, if your mom needs copies of the original entryway plans and measurements to help her figure this mess out, just let me know. I'd be happy to provide those.

If we could have ALL bids in ASAP, then we'll have a very good issue for the next meeting in April.

Also, now that the new lights are in (biggo suckers, ain't they??), I think it behooves us to come up with the brickwork or whatever we've decided on to keep them from falling victim to more vandalism. (I found one turned this afternoon while I was up there picking up trash.

Okay, that's it from here. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, and have a great week.

Let me know if you have any feedback or questions,



Just a few things...

The new contact cards and fridge magnets ARE IN.
If anyone has a good idea on how to get these out to the homeowners WITHOUT having to mail them, I'd really love to hear it. :)

The Spring Clean-Up postcards will be arriving fairly soon as well.

Also, I just got the blueprints, plans and bid from the folks at Urban Lawn & Landscape.
Sheila, if your mom needs copies of the original entryway plans and measurements to help her figure this mess out, just let me know. I'd be happy to provide those.

If we could have ALL bids in ASAP, then we'll have a very good issue for the next meeting in April.

Also, now that the new lights are in (biggo suckers, ain't they??), I think it behooves us to come up with the brickwork or whatever we've decided on to keep them from falling victim to more vandalism. (I found one turned this afternoon while I was up there picking up trash.

Okay, that's it from here. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, and have a great week.

Let me know if you have any feedback or questions,


Monday, February 05, 2007

Meeting Reminder and Update

Just wanted to post a reminder here:

There will be a meeting of the Officers and Board of Directors held tonight from 7:00 PM until 0:00 PM. All are invited to attend.

The location has change, however...

Daniel's house is undergoing interior renovations, so the meeting will be held at the home of Pam Kosewick...705 NW 18th Street.

Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

2007 News & Previews

Greetings to all Willowbrook Homeowners.

Much to tell about what is in store for this new year. Updates and other information will be posted here as they come in.

First off, a new group now holds seats as Officers and Board of Directors. They are as follows:

President: Daniel Anderson
Vice-Pres: Randy George
Treasurer: Leslie Long
Secretary: Naima Chestnut (in training by/with Pam Kosewick)

Mary Neubauer
Bonnie Perrin
Cindy George
Karen Buss
Sheila Gann
Madeline Noud

Note: Bonnie was unable to attend last nights' Annual Association Dinner/Meeting, so congratulations to her for receiving the most "votes".

Michael Noud has offered to serve as this years' "Flag Man". He will make sure teh flag is lowered for specific occasions, as well as general upkeep (replacement) if and when necessary.

The brand new and stronger lights will be installed on the entryway sign. We should see them up and working by weeks' end...however this is all depending on the weather and if the ice melts by then. Regardless, the new lights are going to be there very soon. We opted to replace the ones that were there for just over a week before they were vandalized. We have been assured the new ones will be a little more sturdy. We will also be installing some sort of guards around them to (eg. brick or iron cages) in order to discourage more vandalism.

The issue of having some sort of "Block Party" for Willowbrook (possibly in one of the cul-de-sac) was brought up again at this year's Annual Meeting. We think this is a great idea and I'm really looking forward to your feedback on this. This hasn't been done in quite some time and as we have many new homeowners now, this would be a great opportunity to meet them and also swap gossip. (just kidding...?)

The first meeting of the new Officers and Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday, February 5. 7:oo PM till 8:30 or 9-ish. Location is 805 NW 18th Street. All homeowners are invited to attend, as we feel that all input is welcome. Please call me at 220-2202 and let me know that you'd like to attend. Or you can email me at EMAIL DANIEL HERE.

There is much more to tell you all, and I'll add it here as soon as I get that information. Please come back to this site often for updates.

If you would like to know each time something is added to this site (news, alerts, updates, etc.) just click on the "Subscribe" link on the left-hand column. You will be prompted to enter your email address and then whenever something is added here, you'll get an automatic email alert.

Well, that's it for now. Please stay tuned and stay informed by visiting our site regularly.

Looking forward to serving you again this year,

Daniel Anderson
Willowbrook H.A.