Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A Message From the Gaverth's

As some of you know, we are getting ready to look for another house without stairs. Lynette can't handle them anymore. As part of the process, we are going to have a tag sale getting rid of most of our stuff. The people doing the sale will be in our house from now thru June 8 arranging things -- so please don't try to reach us at 816/229-9233. Call Lynette's cell instead (816/682-6555). Very soon we will be dumping our land line telephone completely, and I will be getting a cell phone myself. When I do, I will let you know.
So long y'all,
~ Ken ~
708 NW 18th Street

Friday, May 26, 2006

New Lights Are Coming...

By the end of June - probably before - there
will be new lights installed to light this sign up.

Stay tuned...

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Meeting Reminder

Monday, June 5th, 2006
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
The Commons Bldg.
Blue Springs High School

Issue 1:
Final bids on the entryway lighting project.

We are going to have the Willowbrook sign lit
so that folks can better see it at night.
Several companies have placed bids on the job
and we'd like your input and vote on the winner of this job.

Issue 2:
Miscellaneous business.

Home sales/purchases.
Clean-Up results.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Don't Forget...

Friday, May 5 through Sunday, May 7

Please pay attention to the signs posted on each dumpster to know what can and can't be placed into each dumpster.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Website Updates

I've recently made a couple of additions to this web page that, I hope, will come in handy and help make it more secure.

The first is a "SUBSCRIBE" section that is located just under the "ARCHIVES" in the sidebar on the left side of the page. With this new feature, you can be automatically alerted when there is a new posting or update made to this website. Just enter your email address in the box and then click "Keep It Fresh".

The second is a feature I've added as a way of filtering out "SPAM" comments made by bad websites. These websites - called "Robots" - scan the internet for random words (
such as willowbrook or fishing, etc.) and load spam in their comments sections. I've added this feature to add an extra layer of security to our already secure site.

When you see a posting that you'd like to add a comment to (and we really encourage comments from you all), a small window will pop up for you to add your comment, and before you can send the comment, a "Word Verification" box will have to be entered. Really simple.

I hope you find these updates helpful and any feedback you might have regarding these will be greatly appreciated. I'ts the goal of Willowbrook's Officers and Board to make this site as informative and user-friendly as possible.

Many thanks,

P.S. Don't forget about the Neighborhood Clean-Up THIS WEEKEND.